Cite.Community Sponsor Channel (B2B Email Marketing & Lead Generation)
Imagine being able to create a channel with over 2 Million working professionals in an instance and to be able to present your product updates and offerings to them. That is what we offer with our "Sponsor Channel" - where we pick up curated offerings (15 per month) and send out a dedicated campaign to our entire Q&A community network.
Our members can review your offering and take action or remove your specific channel from their account - while remaining subscribed to our network. This isolates the lists different sponsors have access to in our network. The cumulative effect of the brand name spread, the dedicated nature of the promotion has an incredible effect on the brand/product.
Our network of sites currently hosts thousands of discussions on critical as well as common corporate and organisational problems. Over the last 15 years we have ammassed a following of over 36 lakh working professionals.
Prime Sponsor Spot
The Prime sponsor program is for businesses who require constant lead generation. These are exclusive spots held by companies after a bidding process. Currently held by:FactoHR: HR Software And Payroll Vertical (exclusivity) - 100-150 leads per month (60+ employees)
The leads are collected at client end, effectively creating actual users and remain exclusive as no one else (not even us) has access to the lead data.
Dedicated Single Email Campaign & Consultation
All India dedicated promotional campaign : 13,60,093 MembersGlobal dedicated promotional campaign : 16,90,047 Members
(Updated - 07 March 2024)
Our email list is constantly monitored for bounces and unsubscriptions. All emails are validated using Zerobounce. We always try to make sure that the campaign is ROI positive.
Call/Message us at +919871176689 or you can write to us at - Please include details about your company and your product or service.
When compared to tradition newspaper or TV advertising our reach is far more targeted as we cater only to the urban working professionals (no other specific interest content). With our dedicated email campaigns you can push your brands visibility instantly, far more effectively and at a fraction of the cost of traditional media.
Corporate Brands We've Promoted

Testimonials Received
Good job team, we look forward to more campaigns
Sumit Kumar, CEO, Nulearn (
Shahdab Alam, Marketing Manager, Internshala (
Dhriti Goyal, Marketing Manager, Happay (
Siva Karthik Kancharla, Email Marketing Specialist, GreytHR (
Why our email campaigns are extremely effective?
Why can't you just buy a list of emails from the market and start sending my promotions to them?
There are quite a few reasons why you should NEVER do that
Thank you for your interest in Cite.Co. We look forward to working with you.
- Our program is pre-pay - we are a small firm and GST becomes an issue with pending invoices.
- Prorated refund if sponsor finds the campaign unsuitable [refund made within 45 days of intimation for unused number of days].
- Sponsors agree that a prorated refund is the extent and the only liability accepted by Cite.Co (CiteMan Network).
- Pricing will remain consistent for all sponsors.
- GST payable by the client, TDS deductions (if in India) can be adjusted as applicable.
- We reserve the right to reject any potential advertising request.
- Email campaigns are sent from our newsletter server - we currently do not have any way to record open rates. Clients are encouraged to tag URLs in the email to track clicks.
- Member email addresses are not shared with the client - all campaigns are executed by CiteMan Network from our servers.
- Clients companies cannot hold Cite.Co (CiteMan Network) liable for any damages caused by the actions of the campaign, which is designed in consultation with the client company.
Write to us at or call us at +919871176689 to get started with your digital campaign.